Savannah Tours

Tour Guide


Tour Guide

Our Tour Guide

Meet the Team Behind Our Success

Where we offer an incredible range of experiences for your travel adventures.

Cliff D'Souza

Owner and Managing Direcotr

Ewa Moshi

Tour Guide

Edmund Alfred

Tour Guide

Lazaro Benedict

Tour Guide

Our Value

Guiding Every Journey with Excellence


Our vision entails establishing ourselves as a distinguished operator, meticulously attending to every aspect of our guests’ safari experience, while steadfastly upholding the principles of responsible and sustainable tourism. Our unwavering dedication to delivering exceptional customer service ensures that each encounter with us results in an indelible and unparalleled safari experience.


Our Mission is to deliver a remarkable African safari experience of exceptional quality, marked by a strong commitment to responsibility and sustainability. We strive to simultaneously uplift and enable local communities, while diligently safeguarding the safety and well-being of our esteemed guests.